A New Venture. In the midst of his ongoing court battle, world-renowned musician Young Thug has taken to social media to officially unveil his second foray...
World News
Fast fashion continues to gain traction in the U.S. market — with one brand clearly in the lead — while luxury spending takes a hit. That’s according to recent...
An Affair to Remember Prom, Pageant & Formal Wear is gearing up for the return of its popular Formal Wear Fashion Show. The event is set to take place on...
You walk into a second-hand store and pick up a blouse. It’s been washed. But you can still make out the sweat stains near the armpit. On the left sleeve...
FashionUnited has been summarising the fashion industry’s efforts towards greater sustainability month by month for five years now. Reason enough to take...
Style moves more slowly than you think – jump too soon, and your new look will be lost on most people Tis the season for end of year quizzes, so here goes with...
Ben Turner of Wonder (part of the Amplify collective) is worried that agencies have become the throwaway fast fashion of the marketing world. They’ll thrive...
A fashion designer has said he cannot believe his latest collection will be revealed during Paris Fashion Week. Jashaan Gill, 26, from Oldbury, West Midlands...
Fashion brands are looking to be bigger players in the gaming industry. Tommy Hilfiger teamed up with games publisher Tilting Point to create its own fashion...
The American Apparel & Footwear Association (AAFA), the International Apparel Federation (IAF), and 128 other globally located organisations have made a...